The middle class family

Our problems are unseen and unknown.
We won’t struggle for our food but strive for our dreams…
Study loans pay our fees, debts are common for our parents and it is also common that they won’t share with their children. That is why our parents are SUPERHEROES.
The pain behind their is smile unseen.
The struggle behind our food is unknown.
Every middle class parents want their children to secure safe job and shelter.
We have dream places to go and favourite things to buy but want to fulfill with our own earnings.

Method of reusing is happening from long ago in middle class familes
All the new things like clothes, cycle, laptop and books are bought for elder siblings later goes to younger ones and obviously mini war happens in house as the little one always want new chattels.
If clothes are not in good condition, they are used for cleaning or used for something else but never let them go waste..

we never threw emptied boost or horlicks bottles, we fill them with pickles, salt or something. You will always find sewing kit in cookie box..

In the nice glass bottles we store dry fruits and nowadays we started using plastic bottles for growing plants and boxes for growing methi..

Keeping all polythene bags in another master polythene bag and keeping vegetables in them
Bargaining and special offers are always our considerable choices for shopping.
Sleeping over terrace during summer nights and saving electricity
Using our terrace for drying our fryums.

Squashing toothpaste till the last part comes out.

Extending bodywash and shampoos by pouring water.WE THROW ANYTHING AWAY AFTER USING OUR BEST..

We may compromise for many things but we should always try and try for our dreams.

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